There is a facebook page called "צריכים משו?" (sic). On it, people post all sorts of offers of things they are giving away, as well as interesting queries and requests, such as ideas for names for their new baby. There are offers of furniture beign given away, requests for a ba'al koreh for Shabbat, and questions such as how to open a corked bottle of wine without a corkscrew.
The group is not "religious," anyone and everyone can (and should) join.
The group is not "religious," anyone and everyone can (and should) join.
Today I received a post which I have to share:
שלום עליכם!ב״ה זכיתי ללוות חתן ואנו בדרכנו לכותל..אז שמות לברכה בשמחה:)
In English: Today I have the privilege of accompanying a Hattan and now we are on our way to the Kotel. Please send names of people who need tefillot / berachot.