Nihumim to the families and refuah sheleima to the injured in Kansas City. We are crying with you. As the woman on the radio (who has been living in KC for over 20 years) said, it can happen in any place. We do not know HaShem's math, but we can hope and pray that this is the last act of antisemitism. Ever.
The KC shooting was the first item on today's news.
B'vinyan Yerushalaim tenuhamu - may the last "item" before the news be a comfort to all of Am Yisrael:
Baruch HaShem, Am Yisrael back in our homeland (no longer a poor, undeveloped desert) has bought two and a half times as much food this week as in a "regular week," as we prepare to reunite with our history, remembering HaShem's salvation from the darkest times. A journalist pointed out that the stores will be calmer for a week, until next Tuesday, when all of Am Yisrael restocks our hametz.
This should be a nehama to all of Am Yisrael, for all generations of suffering: Over 90% of Israeli Jews will sit down to a Seder tonight, and go without hametz for the week.
May we use the mitzvot and customs of this week to remember that HaShem sent us to Egypt, sent us to galut, and then released us and brought us Home, in order that we be a nation that brings the Light of Justice, Fairness And Kindness to the entire world.